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Experienced Family Law Attorney for Paternity Establishment in Northwest Louisiana
At The Law Office of Michael J. Vergis, we understand the sensitive nature of family law matters, especially when it comes to paternity law. As a skilled Louisiana paternity attorney based in the Shreveport-Bossier City area, Mike Vergis assists clients in addressing paternity disputes, establishing legal parentage, resolving child custody issues, and more. Whether you are a mother seeking child support or a father asserting your parental rights, our law firm is here to guide you through the legalities of paternity law in Louisiana.
To speak with a skilled Shreveport-Bossier family law attorney regarding your paternity case (or any other family law issue), call The Law Office of Michael J. Vergis at (318) 698-3724 or send a message online today.

What is Paternity Law?
The relationship that establishes the father of a child is known as paternity. This includes both a biological and a legal relationship. Each state has its own system for determining paternity. In Louisiana, under the “presumption of paternity,” the spouse of the mother is presumed to be the father of the child if he or she is born while they are married or within 300 days of a divorce decree. Thus, unless separate biological paternity is proven, the mother’s spouse is deemed the biological father.Louisiana Paternity Laws
According to Louisiana law, when a married couple bears a child, they are legally considered the parents of that child. This implies that both the husband and wife possess certain rights and obligations that are specific to parents. However, things aren’t as straightforward for unmarried couples who have a child together. An unmarried father isn’t regarded as the legal parent of his kid unless he actually establishes paternity. The legal procedure of establishing paternity ensures that the baby’s biological father also becomes the legally recognized father.Louisiana Custody Laws for Unmarried Parents
Presumption of paternity does not apply to children born outside of marriage. When a child is born to an unmarried woman in Louisiana, she is the sole legal parent. This remains true even if the mother and father live together or are in a committed relationship. As such, for unmarried parents, it is necessary to establish paternity for things like child custody agreements, child support obligations, and more. Paternity law and the need for legal action typically ensue when one of the parents files a request with the court to establish or dispute paternity. Biological paternity can be proven by blood or tissue (DNA) testing, whereas legal paternity can simply be established through acknowledgment.How Long Does a Father Have to Establish Paternity in Louisiana?
As prescribed in Louisiana Civil Code Art. 198, if another man is legally recognized as the father, a paternity claim must be filed within one year of the child’s birth. However, if the mother misled the biological father about his paternity, he has one year from when he found out (or should have found out) that he’s the father to file the claim, but no more than ten years after the child’s birth, whichever happens first.
In any case, however, a paternity claim cannot be filed more than one year after the child’s death.
Establishing Paternity in Louisiana
Under Louisiana law, unmarried couples with children or single mothers have two options for establishing paternity: the parents can sign an affidavit of acknowledgment voluntarily, or the paternity of the child can be determined by a district court judge when someone files a paternity lawsuit.
Acknowledgment of Paternity Affidavit
An affidavit of acknowledgment is a sworn declaration that legally declares paternity, which implies both parents must sign the acknowledgment affidavit in the presence of a notary public.
By signing the affidavit, the parents are confirming that the cosigner is the biological and legal father of the child. They are also agreeing that the father may be required to pay child support and that their child is entitled to inherit from the father.
This affidavit does not grant the father custody rights, as custody rights are retained by the mother. The father, on the other hand, does have certain visitation rights as well as the right to go to court and seek new custody rights.
Signing an acknowledgment of paternity affidavit is generally the simplest method for establishing paternity, but may only work if both parents voluntarily agree. You should not sign the affidavit if you have any doubts or concerns regarding paternity. Instead, exercise your right to genetic testing to determine whether you and the child (or the alleged father and the child) have a DNA relationship.
You may request testing at your own expense, or you can request a court order. The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services Child Support Enforcement Division (DCFS) may also be of assistance.
Petition to Establish Paternity in Louisiana
Initiating court proceedings is the second way one might establish paternity in Louisiana. The mother, father, child, or a government lawyer for Child Support Enforcement can all file paternity actions in court.
Should it be requested, the court will mandate genetic testing, and everyone involved must submit to it. The parties have the option of settling the matter at any moment or going to trial. If the case does go to trial, the court will determine whether the alleged father is in fact the legal and biological father of the child. If it is ruled that he is, the court will issue a definitive paternity judgment, confirming paternity and adding the father’s name to the birth certificate.
The court can also make judgments concerning child custody, visitation, and residency, as well as evaluate financial responsibilities like child support and medical support.
What Happens After Paternity is Established?
Once paternity is established, both parents’ names will appear on the child’s birth certificate. In addition, the child will have access to both sides of the family’s medical records as well as certain benefits through the father’s Social Security, medical insurance, and other state, federal, and inheritance benefits.
The father’s right to see his kid (visitation) is also secured by signing the affidavit, as is his right to go to court and request increased custody and visitation. If the mother passes away unexpectedly, the father also possesses the ability to take full custody of the child.
Child support is unlikely to be a problem if the father and mother live together. If the parents don’t live together, however, both parents still assume a financial responsibility to care for the child. Both father and mother may be held financially responsible for child support in Louisiana, which includes compensation for things like health insurance, medical bills, and educational expenses.
How a Louisiana Paternity Establishment Lawyer Can Help
An experienced family law attorney can play a crucial role in helping clients navigate family law issues regarding paternity, offering valuable guidance and support throughout the entire process. Whether one parent is seeking to establish paternity to address child support obligations or the other is seeking to establish paternity in order to seek visitation or shared custody, a family law attorney will work closely with either party to resolve disputes, develop a parenting plan that reflects the best interests of the child, and/or ensure fair arrangements between both parents.
On the other hand, paternity attorneys can also help in cases where one parent challenges paternity or custody rights, providing tailored legal solutions for every situation and overall protecting the best interests of their clients.
Why Choose The Law Office of Michael J. Vergis?
As an experienced Shreveport family law attorney, Michael J. Vergis is committed to helping families through a wide range of family law cases in Louisiana courts. Whether addressing paternity disputes, custody battles, or other complex legal matters, Attorney Mike Vergis works tirelessly to find solutions that prioritize the best interests of his clients and their children.
He understands that both fathers and mothers have important roles in their children’s lives, and he is prepared to fight for the legal rights of all parties involved. Families turn to him for many reasons, but at the core of his approach is a commitment to securing the best outcomes for families facing difficult legal challenges.
Contact an Experienced Northwest Louisiana Paternity Lawyer Today
When it comes to important legal matters affecting your family’s future, having the right guidance is crucial. At The Law Office of Michael J. Vergis, you’ll find an experienced family law attorney who is dedicated to helping families navigate these challenges with confidence. Whether you’re looking to secure the right to visit your children, obtain child custody, collect child support or spousal support, navigate the challenges of a divorce, or more, our attorneys have what it takes to protect your rights and secure the best outcome for your family’s future.
For quality legal assistance, guidance, and advice regarding your case, contact our law firm today. You can reach us by filling out our online intake form or by calling (318) 698-3724 to schedule your consultation today.